Live Ledge #157: Threesomes Posted on May 31, 2014 1:32 am by theledge Comment In order to prove the theory that to be a great band you have to have a run of three classic albums, tonight’s show is nothing but trios of greatness! Download MP3 here 📂This entry was posted in Podcast 📎and tagged cheap trick clash elvis costello husker du live ledge music ramones realpunkradio replacements rolling stones saints scott hudson stooges talk velvet underground x
February 2, 2011 theledge The Ledge #59: Big Brother 11’s Lydia TaveraLydia from the eleventh season of Big Brother chose the music for this week's episode of The Ledge.
July 27, 2024 theledge The Ledge #628: CoversIt's that time again. The "Covers" folder on my laptop is full, so it's time to turn those into a Le...