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  • The Ledge #640: New Releases (Pt. 1)

    Once again, the monthly new release episode is expanded to a two part extravaganza! This week’s show is split between “friends of the show” and long time veterans of the business. The “friends” sections include hometown heroes (Off Contact), a fellow Real Punk Radio personality (Intrusive Thoughts vocalist Greg “Rock ‘n’ Roll Manifesto” Lonesome), a couple of Big Stir Records new tunes, and quite a few email submissions.

    As for the “veterans”, it’s amazing how much material some of these artists have put out over the years. The new one by Australian singer/songwriter Paul Kelly is his 29th abum. The Fleshtones have probably put out an equal amount of material. Only Ones leader Peter Perrett is back with a new album, and the Pixies, The Effigies, Nick Piunti, and others have a lengthy discography. Plus, we have the monthly new freebies by Friends of Cesar Romero and Vista Blue! 

    For more info, including setlists, head to http://scotthudson.blogspot.com


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