• Tag Archives robert forster
  • The Ledge #554: New Releases

    Everybody knows the drill by now. The first Friday of the month means it’s new release night at The Ledge headquarters (aka my bedroom). Somewhat weirdly, though, is that this February episode is technically the first new release show of the year. But that’s due to the Teenage Kicks subtheme necessitating a December 30 airing of the January new release show. Make sense?

    Speaking of “Teenage Kicks”, I’m so happy that this week’s submission is by Sixgun Republic leader Christopher Chancey! He’s got sort of a rockabilly vibe going through his little version, and I love the use of a piano! Chancey also submitted an old cover of “Sonic Reducer” his band put out back in 2007. Thanks Christopher!!!

    Do you have a version of this seminal tune to submit? Do you have a little bit of time you can set aside to record a track to air? Please submit it to me! I’m so blown away by the reaction to “52 Weeks of Teenage Kicks”! A few bands have already promised to forward a submission in the near future, but the more versions the better! If you have any questions, please contact me at paulisded@gmail.comĀ 

    For more information, including setlists, head to http://scotthudson.blogspot.com


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