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  • The Ledge #561: More Home Plays

    Just like last week, this episode is primarily based around what I’ve been listening to in the Ledge home base over the last few days. Some of it is brand new material. Much of it has been old faves that span almost 60 years of great rock and roll.

    Overall, though, this show is primarily a showcase for old and new power pop. In the new category, there are fabulous new tracks by The Whiffs, Sharp Pins, Uni Boys, and The Trouble Seekers, along with “excavated” recordings by The Bings and Popsicko. 

    As for old faves, it’s a history lesson of sorts. There’s The Monkees and The Kinks from the 60s. The Jam, The Flamin’ Groovies, Nick Lowe, Graham Parker, and The Rubinoos from the 70s. The 80s are represented by the likes of The Barracudas,  Dwight Twilley, The Bongos, and Camper Van Beethoven. Maybe the 90s aren’t as highly represented, but there is “Tayter Country” by The Cavedogs, quite possibly my favorite song of 1980.

    As for the “52 Weeks of Teenage Kicks”, this week’s version comes from The Mahones, the legendary Canadian/Irish punk band that always features a quality cover or two on each of their albums. Their version of “Teenage Kicks” is twice represented on their (mostly) live A Great Night On the Lash record. The first version is the final song of their encore, while the tune aired tonight comes from a bonus “Belfast Sessions” tacked on to the end.

    Like always, I’m still out here pleading for brand new versions of “Teenage Kicks”. Please pass the word on to all of your musician friends. If you have questions, or have a submission, shoot me an email at paulisded@gmail.com

    For more information, including setlists, head to http://scotthudson.blogspot.com


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