• Tag Archives the saints
  • The Ledge #516: RIP Chris Bailey

    The music world was shocked when news came out on April 9 that Chris Bailey, the leader of The Saints, had passed away. This legendary band actually predated The Damned and The Sex Pistols with the self-release of their classic first single, “(I’m) Stranded”. The original lineup went on to put out a trio of great records before they imploded. Bailey kept The Saints going, though, and scored a hit in 1986 with “Just Like Fire Would”, a song that Bruce Springsteen would cover over two decades later.

    Tonight’s show begins with featured sets of those first three albums, then follows up with a few tracks from the latter era, along with a handful of solo tracks. The rest of the show is highlighted by some great covers of songs by The Saints. Nashville Pussy, Nomads, The Fall, and The Mono Men are just a few of the bands who added new life to these great tunes.

    I would love it if every listener bought at least one record I played on either of these shows. These great artists deserve to be compensated for their hard work, and every purchase surely helps not only pay their bills but fund their next set of wonderful songs. And if you buy these records directly from the artist or label, please let them know you heard these tunes on The Ledge! Let them know who is giving them promotion!

    For more information, including setlists, head to http://scotthudson.blogspot.com


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