Live Ledge #210: By The Numbers, Part 1 Posted on September 19, 2015 1:11 am by theledge 1 Comment To celebrate a birthday, Hudson starts a two-part series where he plays one song from every year he’s lived. Download MP3 here 📂This entry was posted in Podcast 📎and tagged beatles big star camper van beethoven clash cramps dead kennedys dinosaur jr firehose flamin' groovies husker du johnny thunders jonathon richman kinks live ledge mc5 monkees new york dolls no direction ramones realpunkradio replacements ronettes scott hudson sonics stooges undertones velvet underground who x
October 17, 2015 theledge Live Ledge #214: 1980Live Ledge goes back to 1980 for two hours of punk, post-punk, and every other form of alt-rock from...
September 1, 2010 theledge The Ledge #37: Second ActsWhat's an artist to do once their original iconic band breaks up or goes on hiatus, especially if th...
I’ve been looking for a great music podcast to dig in to. I’m hoping I’ve found it. The recommendation sounded like it was up my alley. I’m gonna check it out now.