Live Ledge #211: By The Numbers, Part 2 Posted on September 26, 2015 1:42 am by theledge Comment We continue the journey of a song from every year host Scott Hudson’s been alive, including two from 2015. Download MP3 here 📂This entry was posted in Podcast 📎and tagged afghan whigs archers of loaf babes in toyland bash and pop benjamin booker billy bragg bob mould built to spill cursive freedy johnston fucked up grant hart hold steady ike reilly japandroids jim jones joe strummer live ledge music neighborhoods nick cave paul westerberg pow wows realpunkradio replacements ryan adams scott hudson sonics superchunk supersuckers talk wilco
November 15, 2014 theledge Live Ledge #175: Narco StatesSinger/guitarist Michael Meyer of Narco States is interviewed in this garage rock-based episode.
October 23, 2021 theledge The Ledge #494: Sorry Ma I’ve Got Some Reissues To PlayI'm sure that all Ledge fans could have predicted this week's episode. With today's release of the 4...