Live Ledge #341: East Coast U.S. & Canada 1978 Posted on July 21, 2018 1:15 am by theledge Comment Continuing the series of shows focused on the magical year of 1978, this episode share classic punk tracks from New York, Boston, Washington, DC, and Canada. Download MP3 here 📂This entry was posted in Podcast 📎and tagged 1978 canada live ledge new york city punk scott hudson washington
June 2, 2010 theledge The Ledge #24: Covers By the ReplacementsFor the 24th episode, host Scott Hudson finally does the predictable - an entire show devoted to The...
March 28, 2020 theledge The Ledge #421: Don’t Stand So Close To MeI understood pretty early on this week that it was going to be impossible to come up with a new them...