The Ledge #585: Hudson Compound Playlist

This week’s show is another of those broadcasts where I simply air some of the records I’ve been playing around the house the last few weeks. There’s no real format outside of that, but you do get to enjoy almost 60 years of fabulous rock and roll. What more can I say about it?

As for the “52 weeks of Teenage Kicks” series, I actually have yet another new vesrion. This is a brand new cover by a band called The Flying Waves, and it’s on an album called Rainbow that came out a week ago. Unfortunately, that’s all I know about this cover as google was no help at all. If anybody out there is familar with this artist, please contact me!

And like I do every week, I must again plead with y’all for more versions of “Teenage Kicks”. If you are a musician, or have any contact with artists that could record their own take on the classic, please contact me!

For more info, including setlists, head to


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